Im März und April habe ich zwei Wochen in Japan verbracht. Während meiner dritten Reise habe ich mir nicht nur bekannte Orte wie Tokyo, sondern auch ganz neue Gebiete wie Okinawa angesehen.
Japanreise 2016

Im März und April habe ich zwei Wochen in Japan verbracht. Während meiner dritten Reise habe ich mir nicht nur bekannte Orte wie Tokyo, sondern auch ganz neue Gebiete wie Okinawa angesehen.
In March and April I visited Japan for two weeks. During my third trip I have not only visited known places like Tokyo, but also entirely new areas such as Okinawa.
Although my plane departed at 10:30 and I had to be at the airport at 8:30, I squeezed a last activity into my schedule: visiting Tsukiji.
The last full day has come, but this will not be the final entry. Before leaving Japan I have to return to Tokyo first, where I would stay the last night. But before arriving in Tokyo I make a little detour to the infamous Kanamara festival in Kawasaki, better known under a different name.
On a sunny morning the Super Hakuto limited express took me to Himeji, west of Kobe. The first car allowed free sight into the driver’s cockpit and the rails in front which was a welcome change to the usual seat row view.
In the early morning I left the hotel in Nagoya. The evening before I revised my plans to allow for more time in Osaka. Before boarding the Shinkansen I bought some omiyage for my hosts in Kobe, then I waited at the platform.
My short visit in Nagoya combined sakura, history, and a concert in one day.
Before leaving Okinawa I decided to make a business related trip to OIST. More specifically, I visited the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology to get to know their graduate program.
The second day in Okinawa included a tour around the island showcasing the uniqueness in culture, tradition and food.
After four days in the capital it is time to move on to a different part of Japan. The next destination is the southern tropical islands of Okinawa. Specifically, I will spend the next three days at the main island of Okinawa.