Saturday and Sunday I spent most of the time at AnimeJapan. The anime themed convention is the biggest of its kind and took place at Tokyo Big Sight, famous for the even bigger event Comiket.
J16 #04: AnimeJapan

Saturday and Sunday I spent most of the time at AnimeJapan. The anime themed convention is the biggest of its kind and took place at Tokyo Big Sight, famous for the even bigger event Comiket.
Many people know me for my affinity to Japan, especially to the modern pop-culture including anime. Still, I rarely write about this topic. This article is devoted to everyone who loves Akihabara, the capital of the subculture, or wants to know more about it.
On Saturday I went to Osaka, mainly because of the Magical Mirai concert I wanted to attend for a long time. Let me say so much in advance: it was great!
Recently I read about the opening of an exhibition about Makoto Shinkai, my favourite Japanese director. Since I am a great fan of his profound and scenic animation films I want to visit the exhibit in Mishima on my way back from Kyushu to Tokyo.
Ende August reise ich zum zweiten Mal nach Japan. Bevor die eigentliche Reise beginnt, schreibe ich über einige meiner Vorhaben. Diesen Sommer ist es wieder soweit: Hatsune Miku lädt wieder zu einem Konzert ein, eins der ganz besonderen Art.
Habe ich es doch noch geschafft, einen Beitrag zu schreiben, bevor ich zuruck nach Zurich reise. Vor einer Woche hatte ein guter Freund von mir Geburtstag, fur den wir in letzter Minute noch ein Geschenk besorgen mussten, weil es kurzfrsitig