Today I started my day at the Tokyo University or Toudai, one of the international established universities of Japan. Since I just went on a wimp I was very surprised by the many students in formal wear.
J16 #03: Todai, Yasukuni, Akiba and Shibuya

Today I started my day at the Tokyo University or Toudai, one of the international established universities of Japan. Since I just went on a wimp I was very surprised by the many students in formal wear.
The second day was dedicated to shopping on the one hand, on the other to visiting Kamakura and Enoshima outside of Tokyo.
To quickly continue where I left of last time, I looked for and found my Airbnb near the market Ameyoko. The small flat is located in the 8th floor and contained the basic amenities. Just depositing my luggage and picking up my rental WiFi router I went on to explore the neighborhood.
Today I began my journey to Japan. Over the easter break I took two weeks off to undertake a unforgettable trip to my favorite destination. This first entry is about my departure and my journey to Japan from Switzerland.
In one month I am heading to Japan again. In this article series I will describe the whole trip as I have planned it. Once over there, I will keep updating the blog with my experiences daily, like I did in previous years. The fourth and last chapter is about my last day in Tokyo, my departure as well some words about how I organize the whole trip.
It’s decided! In two months from now I am heading to Japan again. In the following article series I will describe the whole trip as I have planned it. Once over there, I will keep updating the blog with my experiences daily, like I did in previous years.
While I already returned to Switzerland safely, I have a bit of a backlog about my last days in Tokyo. Read this article as a two day guide (three days with the last one) to Tokyo for those with little time.
Finally, after travelling around major parts in Japan in less than three weeks I will arrive in Tokyo, the capital.
Irgendwie verfolgt mich das – bei der Anreise, auf dem Weg nach Takayama und auch jetzt wieder. Samstag Abend schaute ich nochmal ins Internet, bevor ich mich hinlegte. Durch die Zeitverschiebung würde ich einiges an Zeit gewinnen, dass heißt, mein Sonntag wird doppelt so lang wie gewöhnlich sein. Deswegen beschloss ich lange auf zu bleiben und in Ruhe auszuschlafen.
Es gab noch eine Sache, die ich unbedingt tun wollte, nämlich den weltweit größten Fischmarkt der Welt, Tsukiji, zu besuchen.