The day in Sendai started more relaxed than the one before. First, I had a quick soak in the common sento of the hotel which was 10 times more spacious than yesterday’s in Ginzan, even a rotenburo was there. Then, at the breakfast buffet I tanked energy for the day before leaving Sendai for good.
Japan 2020 #11: Ginzan Onsen & Sendai
Today I woke up extra early, because I had ambitious travel plans for the day. Starting from Hiroskai in Aomori prefecture I wanted to make my way all the way down to Fukushima and then up another valley to Ginzan Onsen in Yamagata prefecture.
Mit dem Wanderfalken in die Idylle
Heute unternahm ich einen Auflug in den hohen Norden nach Tohoku. Mit dem Shinkansen fuhr ich von Tokyo nach Sendai.