If you think about Japan in Summer, isn’t fireworks the first thing that comes to mind? In 2022 most fireworks events were canceled because of pandemic-related concerns. All fireworks? No, one event was scheduled to be held and it even happened to be one in the Kansai area.
Japan 2020 #14: Osaka Shopping
Like yesterday I spent most of the day with shopping. In the evening I went to my fourth concert – with Aimer.
Japan 2020 #13: Shopping in Osaka
As my vacation slowly came to an end, I reduced my travel activities and focused on shopping in Osaka.
Japan 2020 #12: Sendai to Osaka
The day in Sendai started more relaxed than the one before. First, I had a quick soak in the common sento of the hotel which was 10 times more spacious than yesterday’s in Ginzan, even a rotenburo was there. Then, at the breakfast buffet I tanked energy for the day before leaving Sendai for good.
Japan 2020 #05: Osaka to Tokyo
The journey continues to Tokyo. Leaving Osaka, I made two stops in Nagoya and Atami on the way to see plum blossoms.
Japan 2020 #04: Yamazaki & Uji
Whisky, green tea and music. Today I visited the Yamazaki distillery, visited Uji and ended the day with a with a DAOKO concert.
Japan 2020 #03: Setsubun in Kyoto
February 3 is Setsubun, a festival best experienced in Kyoto. For that occasion I went to Yasaka Shrine and Heian Shrine to catch some lucky beans.
Japan 2020 #02: Osaka
On day two I attended a Perfume concert in the biggest concert hall I ever was in and had some fresh tuna.
Japan 2020 #01: Osaka
The journey began on the afternoon of February 1 2020 in Zurich. A direct flight from Zurich to Tokyo brought me to Japan where I had to transit from Narita to Haneda airport to continue to Osaka.
Japanreise 2016
Im März und April habe ich zwei Wochen in Japan verbracht. Während meiner dritten Reise habe ich mir nicht nur bekannte Orte wie Tokyo, sondern auch ganz neue Gebiete wie Okinawa angesehen.