In the beginning of September, ten thousands of people travel to Kassel in the center of Germany to take part in the convention Connichi. It is the largest non-profit organized Japan related event, counting 27’000 visitors last year.
Connichi 2019

In the beginning of September, ten thousands of people travel to Kassel in the center of Germany to take part in the convention Connichi. It is the largest non-profit organized Japan related event, counting 27’000 visitors last year.
Connichi, one of the biggest conventions in the German speaking area is about to take place next weekend from Friday 7th to Sunday the 9th of September. The event drew in over 26’000 fans last year and will take place in the Kongress Palais in Kassel as usual. I attended Connichi for the first time in 2009 and this year will be the fifth time visit the event.
For the second time the Japan and Anime convention AnimagiC took place in the Rosengarten congress center in Mannheim in early August. The organizers celebrated the 20 year anniversary of the event with a great line-up of guests from Japan over three days.
Dokomi, one amongst, if not the biggest Japan and anime convention in Germany opened its doors for over 45000 attendants from May 18 to May 20 at the fairground of Düsseldorf.
Spring is around the corner, meaning the Japanese convention season is about to begin. This year I will visit three major conventions in Germany, one of them is the Dokomi in Düsseldorf. In this post I will introduce the event and this year’s program.
Thanks to everybody who showed up or tuned in and watched our panel. For all others the recording is now available on Twitch and on YouTube.
Wie vor kurzem angekündigt nehme ich diesen Samstag an einer Paneldiskussion mit anderen Japan-Bloggern aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum teil. Das ganze findet innerhalb des neuen Programmpunktes Connichi Couch an der Convention Connichi in Kassel statt.
I have some exciting news to share with you today! I will attend a panel discussion at the Japanese themed convention Connichi representing my blog!
Here are some impressions of the cosplays I took at AnimeJapan during both days at the cosplay area.