Spring is here! Well, ignoring the snow outside the window for a minute, I have great news for you! With the beginning of a new travel chapter I’m populating this blog with lots of new content.

In the beginning of April I am moving to Japan (yet again), this time for a bit longer than usual. I’m going to live in Kyoto for half a year to do research as part of my PhD.
I was planning this for over a year already and finally all preparations are complete and I will board the plane very soon. The ongoing pandemic delayed the exchange by a few months, but now with Spring having arrived I’m ready to go.

My next post will already be from Japan, and I hope I’m not too late to see the magnificent sakura raining down on the picturesque city.

Okazaki canal near my future home.

I cannot thank the people who supported me to undertake this endeavor enough. I will share many pictures and some stories about my time in Kyoto over the coming months and I thank all my readers for continuing to support this blog.

See you on the flipside!

Doing Research in Kyoto
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Ein Kommentar zu „Doing Research in Kyoto

  • 2022/04/03 um 09:40 Uhr

    Das ist ganz großartig! Wir wünschen dir eine wunderbare und wissenschaftlich ergiebige Zeit.
    Martin und Friederike

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